X-Guide dynamic navigation provides the ability to get better control of the placement of the implant during immediate procedures when root sockets and soft (or no) bone tend to displace loading of the implant during surgery.
Using navigation allows you to see and feel any position and angle deviations from plan while drilling so that you can make adjustments real-time to accommodate the best implant position within the varying bone. This is especially important during immediate aesthetic cases where you want to avoid the labial bone.
You can better control the depth to achieve ideal primary stability of the implant without drilling too deep due to the unknown.
Case 1
Immediate Extraction – Anterior

Closed, immediate, esthetic, multiunit
Final milled titanium abutments, Emax Crowns – Restorative
Dr. Kim Knoll.

Case 2

Immediately on top of that is a screw retained shortened temporary abutment that was placed to seal the socket and keep the emergence profile of the original tooth. The provisional bridge shell is seen above and to the buccal.
Case images courtesy of Dr. Robert Pauley, DMD

Immediate post-op
CBCT verification

Using X-Guide to navigate
final implant placement

Screw-retained provisional
sealing the socket.

Post restoration
Case 3
Single Tooth Molar with extraction and immediate placement with sinus elevation

X-Guide is essential for high accuracy to perform sinus elevation and immediate placement with poor bone quality.

case 4
Single Tooth Premolar with sinus proximity considerations

X-Guide is essential to perform partial root extraction and sinus elevation with minimal invasive approach.

soft tissue gain and ideal esthetics.
Surgeon: Dr. Mar
Prosthetics: Dr. Keith Progebin