Absolute implant precision
Expand Your Control Over the Implant Process
By integrating Cone Beam 3D imaging into your practice, it’s clear that you value accuracy and precision in planning. Don’t stop there. Continue to control the exact placement of implant POSITION, ANGLE and DEPTH with X-Guide Dynamic 3D Navigation during live surgery.
Our X-Guide® system is designed to consistently elevate Precision and Control in your dental implant surgeries.
Easy Navigation
Achieve a higher level of implant accuracy for your practice with X-Guide®.
In surgery, control real-time movements of your drill and implant placement with remarkable precision – use the X-Point to navigate position, angle and depth.
Interactive, turn-by-turn guidance gives you the ability to improve every movement of your handpiece during osteotomy and implant delivery for more exact implant placement – like GPS for your drill.
Deliver Implants With Confidence
The X-Guide system is compatible with Cone Beam 3D systems. Use the robust X-Guide implant planning software to plan all factors of the ideal implant location.
In surgery, control real-time movements of your drill and implant placement with remarkable precision – use the X-Point to navigate position, angle and depth.
Confident Planning | Easy Navigation | Precise Placement
Clinical Applications
of Dental Implant Surgery
The Most Advanced Implant Technology
Believe In Better
“Studies show that X-Guide navigated surgery is
11 times more accurate than freehand surgery.”
– Journal of Oral Implantology
X-Guide Customer, Ireland
“X-Guide makes me better by giving the opportunity to safely navigate, closer and more precisely alongside important anatomic limitations such as the alveolar nerve or between roots, giving also the benefit of the digital implant/ prostho planning.”
X-Guide Customer, Texas
“X-Guide facilitates minimally invasive surgery for my patients and gives me 100% control of my surgical plan. In full arch guided surgery, X-Guide allows direct clinical observation and access where a pinned static guide hinders visibility of some anatomy.”
Visit X-Nav at one of our upcoming shows to get a real, hands-on experience.