High Aesthetic & more
Cases with High-Risk of Anatomic Damage
Broad Convergent Roots • Narrow Alveolar Ridge
Inferior Alveolar Nerve • Lingual Mandible
Case 1
Single Tooth Anterior with high esthetic demands

Nineteen year old female with congenitally missing #10, orthodontics complete. Need minimally invasive approach with high accuracy essential.

Planning screen with virtual tooth superimposed on imagine guide pontic. Plan for X-Guide navigation with immediate provisional.

Six months post-op, note excellent soft tissue response.
Prosthetics: Dr. Keith Progebin
Orthodontics: Dr. John Shefferman

Note ideal position for optimal esthetics.

case 2
Single Tooth Anterior with high esthetic demand and digital orthodontic plan

Twenty-one year old female with congenitally missing #7. Orthodontics note yet complete. Digital prediction of final position. High accuracy essential.

Planning view with intraoral scan superimposed. Virtual tooth to simulate final orthodontic plan. Plan for X-Guide navigation with immediate provisional.

Six months post-op with final ideal position and esthetics after orthodontics completed.
Prosthetics: Dr. Keith Progebin
Orthodontics: Dr. John Shefferman

Case 3
Multi-unit Anterior with high aesthetic demand and immediate provisional

47 year old male with root blunting and mobility #7, 8, 9. High accuracy essential for immediate provisional placement.

Plan for immediate extraction, placement and provisionalization.

Intraoperative view of implant placement.

Six months after final restoration.
Prosthetics: Dr. Kim Knoll