X-GUIDE DYNAMIC NAVIGATION Minimally Invasive Endodontic Treatment
Patients and dentists can benefit from more accurate and minimally invasive access to dental structures requiring endodontic treatment, such as calcified canals and apicoectomies of impacted teeth, thanks to X-Guide dynamic navigation.
Additionally, combining 3D imaging with X-Guide navigation allows dentists to locate and access endodontic tooth structures more precisely. Subsequently X-Guide will help achieve less invasive access and prep of calcified and hidden canals, while perform minimally invasive apicoectomy and root-end access and minimize damage to anatomical structures. Also, preserving tooth structure, saving time and potentially reduce intra-operative imaging
X-Guide in Endodontics

According to studies, “The dynamic navigation system was more accurate and more efficient in root-end resection in a cadaver model than the freehand technique. The dynamic navigation system has the potential to be a safe and reliable technological addition to endodontic microsurgery.”1

The Evidence-Based Dental Navigation System